Powering Michigan's Future

The Best Contractors.
The Best Electricians.


What we have to offer:



The world runs on 
electricity and data.

market leadership

Subject matter expertise
+ Hands-on Experience.

detroit eitc

Skills + Training + Expertise.
Life-Long Careers.


At Powering Michigan’s Future we know that the advanced electrical and data systems used today require Electrical Contractors and Electricians who understand complexity, productivity and return on investment. Our contractors, represented by the Southeastern Michigan Chapter of the National Electrical Contractors Association (SMCNECA) and the highly skilled workforce of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW Local 58) know how to bring the very best to your project each and every time. Quite simply, we are the best electricians and electrical contractors in the world.



Thank You, Essential Workers - Watch Now

NECA & IBEW Working Together Like Never Before - Watch Now 

Explore the IBEW Local 58 - Zero Net Energy - Watch Now

Data Center Training Lab - Detroit EITC - Watch Now


“Quite simply, Detroit EITC has been educating the best electricians and the best electrical contractors in the world for over 100 years. EITC believes that technical and hands-on instruction combined with a strong work ethic that stresses productivity and responsibility, produces a more successful individual and a more successful electrical industry.”

Detroit EITC